Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting worse and worse

Harusnya gue seneng?! Bukannya ini yg gue pengenin?! Tapi ngapa gue gak seneng, malah nge down, jleb, mak karuan rasanya-_-

Harusnya gue seneng gue mau di opname, karena banyak yg jenguk. tapi disisi lain gue gak mau ngerepotin emak gue dan sakit di suntik x_x wkwk

Awalnya gue kira memang DBD tapi gtau nya cuman gejala, pdhal gue pengen bgt di opname.
Sebenernya selama sakit ini badan berasa gak enak bener rasanya pengen bed rest aja. Tapi ngeliat mb besti, yang kena penyakit yg sama juga, dia masih sekolah, dia kuat kenapa gue enggak? Jadi gue coba ngelawan penyakit gue. Gue tetep sekolah dan berhasil! :D gue seneng
Tapi kok 10hari berjalan kaki gue muncul bintik2 merah. Karena gue penasaran gue gugling. Tapi gue belom yakin. Akhirnya gue mutusin buat ke dokter lagi (yang ke 4) buat mastiin apa gue benr2 sakit apa gue ini sebenernya.
Dan gue tes darah lagi untuk yg ke 2 kalinya-_-, ternyata jeng2 trombosit gue 56 hahahaha. Agak kaget juga sih apa lagi pas dokternya bilang gue harus opnam, tapi yaa gue pasrah deh hehe..
Udah ah gue gak tau intinya mau nyeritain apa. Tiap gue ngetik lupa apa yg mau di ketik, padahal udh mikir kata2 yg bagus buat di ketik, mlah jadi gini wkwk

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

McKenzie Comer

Who is McKenzie Come? She was born on September 27, 1996. She is a talented Gold Coast singer and songwriter. She has been singing since she was 10. McKenzie says that she is a mix between Taylor Swift, Delta Goodrem, Corinne Bailey Rae and Miley Cyrus all rolled into one. McKenzie also plays piano, and is amazing at it. I do like her voice. She replied my mention twice and she follows me back what a cool guys! :D
McKenzie is also great friends with other Australian singer too, Cody Simpson. Lucky her!

And here's her songs' list


I know right, I felt that too. I have changed. Situation and condition forced me to do the change. The got new boyfriend, they got new and more cool friends. Being ignored, being cheated on, being used, come when they need and other hurts that is. Till I lost my believe to everyone. It's hard to trust everyone around me. I just believe my self. Although I know it's hard to save your problems alone. I must be strong, I don't know will I be strong enough-_-
Am I upset? Yeah I am. Am I hurt? Yes I am. I wish you guys back to old, maybe it's kinda hard possible. Oneday I read about introvert and extrovert, I guess I wanna be introvert... (?)
Well I don't want to write too much.