Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ben Breedlove

Austin, Texas, aka Over the 18 years of his life, Ben Breedlove had three times run into a dead faint. Ben finally had breathed his last on Christmas Eve after suffering a heart attack. Through a heartbreaking video, Ben was telling the story of his struggle to live with heart disease.
Ben Breedlove (18 years) born with heart abnormalities Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM), which makes his life always in danger at any time. He struggled every day to be able to grow up.
Ben from Austin, Texas, and even had three times run into a dead faint. But he had to give up when angels really pick his up on Christmas Eve after suffering a heart attack.
A week before his death, Ben had to make two diunggahnya heartbreaking video to Youtube on December 18, 2011. Video melancholy, each of which lasts 3.59 minutes and 3.17 minutes it describes the life story of Ben's struggle to grow up with heart problems, which he was told through a series of flash cards.

He also shared his experiences of suspended animation and what it feels like cheating death.  Part1  Part2 Ben's personal account

Here's an excerpt from the cards shown in the Ben's video :

"Hello, I'm Ben Breedlove. All my life, I suffered from heart problems, (HCM) Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy stands. It is a condition that is very serious and dangerous. The growing up, I know more that the condition is dangerous. It makes me very afraid and I hate this feeling.
I was never allowed to play all kinds of sports as my friends did. It sucks to spend it on the part of my life. I just hope to be equal with others. But one of these conditions should I learn in life and I have received.
The first time I was near death when he was 4 years old. I'm having a terrible life threatening. My blood sugar drop to 14. I do not really remember that day, but one thing I never forget, I pushed on the bed wheels (stretcher) in the hospital hallways. Two nurses pushed him and she ran in beside me.
There is a big bright light above me. I can not know what it is because the light is very bright. I said to my mother, 'See that bright light,' and pointed to it. She said she did not see anything, she said there is no any light in the corridor. I can not close my eyes and just smiled. I'm not worried at all, as if nothing important things in this world. And keep smiling ...
I can not even describe how the peace at that time. I will never forget that feeling or that day. After that, everything went well until a few years .. :)
Until about the year 2007 when my heart was troubled again. The doctor decided we needed to do something to overcome it. May 3, 2009, I underwent surgery to graft a pacemaker device (while Ben shows his chest scar on his left).
This is a big decision for me, but I had no choice. At that time, my heart gives a bigger problem for me. I am very sad :(
The summer of 2009. The second time I've cheated death (age 14 years), while undergoing a tonsillectomy, which is actually normal operation the doctor do every day. My mother and my sister waited in the waiting room. And the priest went and said 'We have to pray. Your son recently suffered heart failure and they're trying to wake him. ' It was a miracle when they 'carry' my back.
I am very afraid of death, but I'm very glad it did not happen. After this I tried even harder to forget about it and not worry.
About 2 weeks ago, December 6, 2011, the third time I've cheated death. At that time I was walking in the halls. I felt weak so I sat on the bench. I fainted. The next thing I knew, I woke up with EMS (Electro Medical Systems) around me. I can not speak and move, I can only see what they do.
They put electric shock devices on my chest. I heard one of them said 'We are ready'. And others say 'Go!'. I fainted again.
My heart stopped and I did not breathe for 3 minutes. When the body of the dead, his brain still works for some time. I heard them say 'He's not breathing, his heart stopped and there was no heartbeat pulse'. I really think that I am dead.
Another thing that happened next, I'm not sure if it was a dream or vision. But when I was unconscious, I was in a white room. There was no wall, just keep walking and keep walking ...
No sound, but the same peace that I felt when I was 4 years old. I am wearing a jacket that is really nice and with my favorite rapper, Kid Cudi.
Why is there only 1 person with me, I'm still trying to understand it. But I saw myself in the mirror in front of me. The first thing I thought 'Damn, we look cool'. I had the same feeling, I could not stop smiling. I then saw myself in the mirror, I am proud of myself, with my whole life and all I have done. That is the BEST FEELING I've ever felt.
Kid Cudi brought me a glass table and put his hand on my shoulder. After that, my favorite songs reverberate, Mr. Rager. In the song sounds' When fantasy is going to end ... When heaven would begin? ' And he said 'Go now'.
After that, I woke up and EMS perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or cardiac resuscitation). I do not want to leave. I hope I NEVER WAKE. Do you believe in angels or God?
I believe ".

It's crazy how even though I didn't know you in real life, you made such an impact on me through your videos. I feel like I've lost a close friend. You are my hero Ben :) I hope you rest in paradise my friend!<3

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tentangku dan Dia

            Cerita ini dimulai saat gua masih imut imut banget, masih duduk bangku SMP, baru masuk SMP sih. Pertama masuk SMP itu terasa seperti patung jalan aja, gak ada yang negor, gak ada yang kenal, bingung mau ngapa-ngapain namanya anak baru heheh. Tidak terasa smesteran smester 1 telah tiba. Gua masih cukup canggung, karena duduknya dengan kakak kelas, bukan sama teman sendiri kayak SD, jadi peluang buat nyontek susah nih, alamat pasrah deh rengking berapa aja. Jadi, kalo gak salah hari ke 2 itu pelajaran matematika, dan berhubung ada sesuatu barang yang ketinggalan di kelasku, jadi maen maen deh ke kelas. Waktu baru sampe di kelas(masih di depan pintu) tiba-tiba, suingggggggggggggggggg~ matilahh, matgua hanya tertuju pada satu titik, salah seorang cowok yang lagi kejar-kejaran mengejar cintguau *eh abaikan. Gua pun tersepona sama kakak itu, tapi gua gak tau namanya, pengen banget tau namanya. Tanya Tanya ke orang dehh, namanya siapa akhirnya tau juga hihi, namanya furqon. Seneng banget udah tau nama dia hehe. Hari demi hari kulewati, akhirnya gua tau ternyata nama dia bukan furqon tapi dudista -,- malu beudz, udah bilang bilang ke temen eh salah hehe.
            Makin lama gua makin suka wkwkwk *gombalalaoranggilagakpakecelana (balqis--“) wk. Makin lama gua suka, fans nya tambah banyak, waaaa saingan--“. Hingga sampain sekarang pun kurasa semakin banyak, kelas 1 SMA masih cukup imut kok, tapi sudah mulai mengerti apa itu arti cintaa~  SMA ini seenggaknya keadaan membaik. Gua pernah smsan walaupun hanya 4 sms-,- pernah ngobrol, seneng bangettt, apalagii waktu itu dia pernah senyum ke gua hihi. Entahlah mungkin bukan maksudnya senyum ke gua, tapi sama saja intinya senyumannya mengalihkan kepalgua, lalu tersenyum lebar eheee, untung ada soal, jadi ketutupan dehh (kondisi lagi smesteran smester1 duduk depan guru).
            Hingga suatu hari  gua salah kirim sms ke temenku yang namanya Febri yang tadinya mau di kirim ke Intan, jadi dia tau deh, malu beudz guwehh. Tapi apa mau dikata ketawa sudah di sms *pastigakmudeng? Yaudah. Dan gua hanya bisa pasrah, dan terkadang memohon agar iya tidak emberrr, kalo sampe dudista tau, oprasi plastic langsung dan ke sekolah bawa karung *sangkingmalunya gua tau itu lebih -,- . Singkat cerita Febri sms gua begini “Tulisan sekertaris. ‘DIA’ adalah sesosok manusia yang berperawakan tinggi, putih ke coklatan, hobi maen basket, tetapi kurus seperti jelangkung yang kebanyakan kasium, jadi jelangkung mengalami pertumbuhan berlebih. Sosok yang begitu dikagumi oleh seorang sekertaris softball yang hanya bisa mengaggumi lewat ‘tulisan’ karena memang dia hanyalah seorangsekertaris yang kerjanya nulis, nulis dan nulis” bagus bagus guweh suka wkwk. Gua guai Febri ini agaknya pengganti manusia setengah salmon, asliii. Mungkin dia one of reason why guweh ga pernah pacaran (tapi kayaknya memang gak ada yg mau -___- *memble). Well, ceritanya baru sampe sini, belum kelar, tunggu gua jadian dulu ya baru guweh selesaiin ni cerita, setia menunggu yaaaa distaaa *ups

Maunya gini endingnya wkwkk 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

One Direction(:

One Direction are a five-member boyband from England


Member Of One Direction

Niall Horan


Niall Horan (born 13 September 1993) is from Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland. He was a pupil at Coláiste Mhuire, Mullingar, a boys' CBS secondary school. Horan auditioned with "So Sick" and received mixed comments from judges present at his audition, with Louis Walsh in his favor.While two other judges having doubts on whether he was ready to progress in the competition. With three votes out of four he was sent to bootcamp. At bootcamp, he sang "Champagne Supernova" before being rejected and put into One Direction. Horan also plays the guitar.

Zayn Malik


Zayn Malik (born 12 January 1993) is from West Lane Baildon, Bradford, UK.He is a pupil at Tong High School, a state comprehensive school. He is of Pakistani descent. At first, he was bidding to become the show's first Muslim champion as he want to help "do something positive" for his faith. His audition was initially not broadcast, but was shown after the series ended on companion show The Xtra Factor. Malik was noted for becoming nervous in bootcamp, and when he was told he had to dance, he decided to remain backstage, effectively running the risk of elimination. Cowell noticed Malik missing from the dance routine and went backstage and convinced him to return. Malik dated fellow X Factor contestant, Rebecca Ferguson which caused controversy because of the six year age difference. The relationship ended after 4 months together. In November 2011 Ferguson stated in an interview: "Me and Zayn just grew apart. I wish him all the best."

Liam Payne


Liam Payne (born 29 August 1993) from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK, is a music technology student at City of Wolverhampton College, a Further Education College. Payne had auditioned in 2008 to The X Factor's fifth series when he was 14 and reached judges' houses, but Cowell thought he was not ready for the competition and asked him to come back in two years. This time Payne auditioned singing "Cry Me a River" and received a standing ovation from the audience and Simon Cowell.

Harry Styles


Harry Styles (born 1 February 1994) is from Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, UK and is a pupil at Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School, a state comprehensive school. Styles was the lead singer for the band White Eskimo with band members lead guitarist Haydn Morris, bass guitarist Nick Clough and drummer Will Sweeny. Styles auditioned with "Isn't She Lovely" and received positive comments from two of the three judges present at his audition, with Louis Walsh having doubts on whether he was ready to progress in the competition. At bootcamp, he sang "Stop Crying Your Heart Out" before being rejected and put into One Direction.

Louis Tomlinson


Louis Tomlinson (born 24 December 1991) is from Doncaster, South Yorkshire, UK. He was a sixth form student at Hall Cross School, a state comprehensive school and previously a pupil at The Hayfield School, a state comprehensive school, before that. Tomlinson auditioned with "Hey There Delilah",with three votes out of three judges present at his audition he was sent to bootcamp. At bootcamp, he sang "Make You Feel My Love" before being rejected and put into One Direction.

  Their songs are :

1. Everything About You
2. Forever Young
3. Gotta Be You
4. I Want
5. I Wish
6. Moments
7. More Than This
8. Na Na Na
9. One Thing
10. Same Mistakes Save You Tonight
11. Stand Up
12. Stole My Heart
13. Taken
14. Tell Me A Lie
15. Torn
16. Up All Night
17. What Makes You Beautiful
18. Wishing On A Star (feat. JLS and One Direction)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Letter From Mom and Dad

..My Child,
When I get Old
I hope you understand
And have patience with me
In case I break a plate
Or spill soup on the table because
I’m loosing my eyesight
I hope you don’t yell at me
Older people are sensitive
Always have self-pity when you yell

When my hearing gets worse
And I can’t hear what you’re saying,
I hope you don’t call me “deaf”
Please repeat what you say or write it down
I’m sorry my child I’m getting older
When my knees get weaker
Hope you have patience to help me get up
Like how I used to help you while you were little,
Learning how to walk

Please bear with me
When I keep repeating myself, like a broken record
I hope you just keep listening to me
Please don’t make fun of me
Or get sick of listening to me
Do you remember when you were little and you wanted a balloon?
You repeated yourself over and over until you got what you wanted

Please also pardon my smell
I smell like an old person
Please don’t force me to shower
My body is weak
Old people getting sick easily when they’re cold
I hope I don’t gross you out

Do you remember when you were little?
I used to chase you around
Because you didn’t want to shower
I hope you can be patient with me
When I’m always cranky
It’s all part of getting old. You’ll understand when you’re older
And If you have spare time hope we can talk
Even for a few minutes
I’m always all by myself all the time
And have no one to talked to
I know you’re busy with work
Even if you’re not interested in my stories
Please have time for me

Do you remember when you were little?
I used to listen all of your stories about teddy bear
When the time comes and I get ill and bedridden
I hope you have the patience of to take care of me

If accidentally wet the bed or make a mess
I hope you have the patience to take care of me during the last few moments of my life
I’m not going to last much longer, anyway

When the time of my death comes,
I hope you hold my hand and give me the strength to face death
And don’t worry
When I finally meet our Creator
I will whisper in his ear
To BLESS you
Because you loved your MOM and your DAD
Thank you so much for your care
We Love You..

                                                                                                With much love,
                                                                                                Mom and Dad